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Transistor components are three-terminal electronic components that can be used within various electronic circuits as amplifiers, switches, and other components. They are fabricated by fabricating semiconductor materials in sandwiched layers that are called as emitter, base, and collector. These components function by controlling large current flow that helps to amplify electrical signals to make them more powerful. Transistor components can be used in a number of electronic devices such as computers, radios, smart phones, and television. Customers can get these premium quality circuit elements in large quantities with supply ability of 10000 pieces per month at a reasonable price.

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Electronic Power Mosfet

Price: 20.00 - 250.00 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:8 Days
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Electronic Bipolar Transistor

Price: 1-2000 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:1000-10000 Per Month
  • Delivery Time:8-10 Days
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Ultra Fast Recovery Diode

Price: 1-2000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:8-10 Days
  • Supply Ability:1000-10000 Per Month
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N Channel Mosfet

Price: 1-2000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:8-10 Days
  • Supply Ability:1000-10000 Per Month
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Power IGBT

Price: 1-2000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:8-10 Days
  • Supply Ability:1000-10000 Per Month